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Janelle Payne

Janelle Payne

Nationally Accredited Mediator, Brisbane and Sunshine Coast.

Janelle brings a high level of commercial law and mediation experience particularly in the areas of contracts, trusts, property, employment law, consumer law, banking, insolvency, shareholder and director disputes, shares, corporate structures and managed and private investments.

Janelle’s mediation focus area is Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast Regions to help commercial parties resolve matters outside of the Supreme and District Courts of Brisbane, the Federal Circuit Court, the Federal Court and the Regional District Courts.

With over 18 years of experience as a lawyer; 12 years as a respected commercial barrister and past experience as a Senior Associate at a top tier firm in the areas of corporate, financial and property litigation and insolvency, as well as with Queensland’s Crown Law, Janelle has seen most types of commercial and employment disputes. She is adept at dealing with emotionally charged mediations (which occurs more than you’d think in the corporate and commercial sphere!)

. Janelle completed the Advanced Mediation program through Harvard Law School’s Executive Education Program in June 2017. At Harvard, Janelle enhanced her existing toolkit in tackling the most challenging commercial, multi-party and emotionally charged disputes. She is a Nationally Accredited Mediator and holds a Master of Laws from QUT.

As well as mediations involving corporate and business clients, Janelle is experienced in conducting mediations a broad range of areas, including family law (property and children’s matters), construction, succession law and estates, employment law, and fertility law. Janelle’s fertility law cases have received international attention.

Due to her experience with the Magistrates Court Service, Janelle does not advise upon or mediate matters that may be heard by the Magistrates Court of Queensland. To avoid any potential conflict issues, any views expressed here or in a mediation are her own.

mediation and strategic experience

Janelle has also appeared as Counsel in mediations, including high level commercial disputes for Australia’s flagship banks, companies and high-net worth individuals, as well as for individuals in shareholder, tenancy, family law, and estate disputes.

She is also proficient in franchising law, both from a legal, commercial and board perspective.

She has a strong family background in the retail industry and business.

Janelle is a highly regarded individual with past leadership roles on management committees of the Women Lawyers Association of Queensland and the Queensland Law Society Litigation Rules Committee.

mediation philosophy

Janelle’s strategic business approach, personable nature, and ease in operating with all types of individuals and management structures can help resolve complex and challenging impasses.

Janelle conducts all mediations in a neutral, confidential and respectful manner. Janelle is willing, when asked, to express views on the merits if this will assist parties in clarifying issues and reaching resolution.

Janelle’s ability to inspire trust and frank discussion along with her solution-based creativity and style can often facilitate a ‘win-win’ result in a mediation.